Jaipur Dialogues Bhagwat Gita Gyan: The Truth of The ‘Deluding’ Tamas

  • Thread starter Shruti Dasgupta
  • Start date

Shruti Dasgupta

The Bhagwat Gita is like a cosmic lighthouse for Sanatana Dharma. It casts a luminous beam of truth upon the stormy seas of human existence. This ‘grantha’ for Dharmic or righteous living acts as a balm for the wounded human atman. Its teachings on responsibility, dharma, and karma have captured the interest of several scholars, philosophers, and spiritual seekers across cultures and continents for millennia. Consequently, it is the most referred-to book in the world.

The book beckons the curious-minded to face life with wisdom and resilience. Bhagavad Gita’s 14th Chapter delves into the nature of human existence guided by the three ‘gunas’. The Bhagwat Gita Gyan states that ‘gunas’ are the rope that ties ‘atman’ to ‘Prakriti.’ The spiritual and physical state of any individual depends upon which ‘guna’ is ruling supreme in their life. Let’s explore Bhagwat Gita on the qualities of Tamas guna whose inertia and darkness are most prevalent in the Kalyuga.

Purushottam Yoga or Yoga of the Supreme Being A summary of The Bhagavad Gita - Chapter 15 | आर्ट ऑफ लिव्हिंग इंडिया

PC ArtofLiving.org

Bhagwat Gita Gyan on the Truth of Tamas: Shloka 14-08

तमस्त्वज्ञानजं विद्धि मोहनं सर्वदेहिनाम् |

प्रमादालस्यनिद्राभिस्तन्निबध्नाति भारत || 8||

Meaning: Thus, Tamas is born of ignorance to delude all embodied beings. It is the rope binds using the means of negligence, slothfulness, and sleep.

Bhagwat Gita Gyan:

Those who are ignorant lead a state of delusion born of Tamas. This guna binds their undying ataman to the Maya chakra of this world through heedless negligence, excessive laziness, and tandra nidra. This is the state of mental and spiritual darkness for any human existence.

Bhagwat Gita Gyan on the Truth of Tamas: Shloka 14-09

Prakriti I Tamas by Meha Davey at Coroflot.com

PC Coroflot
सत्त्वं सुखे सञ्जयति रज: कर्मणि भारत |

ज्ञानमावृत्य तु तम: प्रमादे सञ्जयत्युत || 9||

Meaning: O Descendant of Bharata, the sattva guna binds one through happiness or sukha, rajas binds through action or karma. Tamas blinds one to knowledge and binds by delusion, laziness, and sleep.

Bhagwat Gita Gyan:

The three gunas that attach the atman to prakriti are defined to work in various ways. The sattva guna binds through attachment to positive qualities like happiness and knowledge; this state allows the soul to exit through moksha. The rajas guna binds through attachment to action or karma; this state keeps the soul in the dual state of pleasure and pain. While Tamas operates differently, it veils the truth and knowledge of existence to the atman. Thereby, leading to a state of delusion through lethargy and excessive drowsiness. Therefore, this shloka underscores the obstructive nature of Tamas in the pursuit of moksha and spiritual peace.

Lessons for the Modern Sanatanis

Pin by Greg Garnett on Bhagavad Gita | Eternal soul, Hinduism quotes, Indian gods

PC Pinterest @NatarajAllenR

Bhagwat Gita’s teachings on Tamas urge modern Sanatanis to rid themselves of the state of mental inertia. It inspires them to understand the importance of active pursuit of moksha by shedding the excessive states of inaction. In a fast-paced modern world, signs of lethargy and laziness are a mark of Tamas. Thus, the path of personal and collective growth in society depends on a Sanatani’s ability to overcome Tamas.

Bhagwad Gita Blog : Tamas or TamoGun

PC Bhagwad Gita Blogs

Bhagavad Gita calls Tamas the veil that covers knowledge and truth. Thus, Tamas is the mask of delusion that acts as inertia towards living a more fulfilling life. In the age of information, discernment of truth becomes equally crucial to counter the rise of Tamas. Modern Sanatanis should seek clarity and truth to overcome the cloud of delusion that leads to misunderstanding.

Lord Krishna’s Gita is a book that calls to Sleeping Sanatanis, awakening them to the reality of a life filled with Dharma and Dharmic Karma. Modern Sanatanis can counter the influence of Tamas on their lives by identifying those forces, mental as well as physical, that lead them away from the truth! Agents of Tamas delude and lull Sanatana Dharma followers to the state of docility. Thus, Tamas forces are not just those things that cause deulsion. These forces also sometimes ask Sanatanis to continue to exist in a limbo of half-truths in the face of Adharma!!!

The Bhagwat Gita Gyan on Tamas is a mirror in the face of a pseudo-modern lifestyle where personal comfort and societal inaction are presented as a state of bliss or peace. By incorporating the understanding of Gita’s relevant shlokas, Sanatanis can embark on a journey of transcending the inertia of Tamas and embracing a life filled with awareness, knowledge, and purpose. May the wisdom hidden in every word act like a guiding star for those who walk the path toward Dharma with Karma!

The post Bhagwat Gita Gyan: The Truth of The ‘Deluding’ Tamas appeared first on The Jaipur Dialogues.

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