Jaipur Dialogues Dhruv Rathee ‘s Hypocrisy Exposed: The Ramayana Saga


Shruti Dasgupta

The ‘Truth Twister’ Dhruv Rathee is at his German Shepherd best! His latest videos on Ramayana’s fact-checking show his greed for traction and recognition. This TIME magazine‘s ‘Next Generation Leader 2023‘ views Bhagwan Ram’s Legend as a bedtime story! In many interviews, he explicitly says that proof of Ramayana as Bharat’s civilizational history is a myth!

However, he has taken out several videos to challenge the authenticity of Uttara Kanda of Ramayana. Though Bharatvasi welcome all sensible debates, his actions betray a clearly duplicitous stance. Is he trying to climb the ‘Ram Naam Ki Lahar’ in Bharat to keep his channel afloat and reveleant? Let’s expose Dhruv Rathee’s hypocrisy!

Dhruv Rathee’s Ramayana Contradictions

Dhruv Rathee’s public persona as a social media influencer thrives on twisting inconvenient truths to fit his narrative. Similar to his diatribe on social issues, his recent videos on Ramayana also reveal a stark contradiction in his beliefs.

Despite dismissing Ramayana as a myth in public interviews, he shamelessly exploits its narrative for views and traction.

Thus, Rathee’s exploitation of Bhagwan Ram’s Legend for content underscores his hypocrisy. While he peddles the narrative that Ram is not real and Ramayana is merely a story, he shamelessly crafts videos debating the validity of the last part of the Ramayana story. Consequently, he flagrantly disregards Sanatani sentiments and Bharat’s cultural heritage while talking to his many Bhakts or followers. Unsurprisingly true intentions are to capitalize on its rich mythology for personal and monetary gains.

True Face of Truth Twister Dhruv Rathee

The reality of Dhruv Rathee is shown by his dog-whistling tactics related to Karolina Goswami. As a content creator Karolina Goswami’s courageous fact-checked Rathee’s claims. Thereby, exposing his deceptive tactics to public light. Her meticulous dismantling of Rathee’s arguments regarding the World Happiness Index unraveled the true face of this Truth Twister. It exposed him as a peddler of half-truths and misinformation.

However, Karolina’s crusade for truth came at a cost. She and her family faced vicious attacks allegedly orchestrated by Rathee’s supporters. Confrontations in Berlin and Paris escalated to threats, abuses, and vandalism of their property. The couple was left with no choice but to file a police report against their attackers.

Unmasking the Deception

From ‘I don’t believe in Ramayana to giving lessons of Ramayana’ .. Dhruv Rathee has come a long way .. sabko ana padta hai
Jai shri Ram pic.twitter.com/ZQIDDyN2cd

— exsecular (@ExSecular) January 27, 2024

Rathee’s dual identity as a ‘Next Generation Leader’ and a ‘Purveyor of Misinformation‘ is the reality of social media. The West uses this ‘German Shepherd’ as an indigenous tool against India’s narrative.

The awards and recognition granted to Rathee are usually for his actions that betray a disregard for truth and integrity.

It’s time to unmask the deception behind his facade and hold him accountable for his exploitation of Bharat’s cultural heritage!
Part 3: Lies, misquotation, propaganda: A Fact check of Dhruv Rathee's video on Modi's independence day speech

PC Fact Hunt

Let Bharat unite in exposing the truth behind Rathee’s duplicitous actions. His stance on Ramayana as a myth followed by his arguments that teach people to ‘fact-check’ the legend of Shri Ram reflects his profit-mongering attitude. Misinformation and manipulation in the digital age are the weapons used by Truth Twister to gain political importance and social traction. Let’s show this two-faced mini Ravana that Bharat’s cultural heritage deserves his respect! It is not available for exploitation by him and his channel for personal gains! Jai Shri Ram!

The post Dhruv Rathee ‘s Hypocrisy Exposed: The Ramayana Saga appeared first on The Jaipur Dialogues.

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