Jaipur Dialogues Sanatana Dharma: As a Misrepresented Abrahamic Concept

  • Thread starter Shruti Dasgupta
  • Start date

Shruti Dasgupta

The recent uproar about the eradication of Sanatana Dharma has left most Sanatanis with a bitter aftertaste in their ‘aatma’. The dirty political streams of India have effectively merged with the clean waters of religions. Consequently, there is now a clash of ideologies where politics and Dharma are at each other’s throats. This act itself is Adharmic as per the Vedas of Sanatana Dharma. Therefore, the accusation of certain politicians of this system of life exposes their lack of understanding. Sadly, most Sanantanis do not have a full understanding of the Sanatana Dharma or the righteous way of life as per Dharma.

In the modern world, Sanatana Dharma’s meaning is often conflicted with that of the Abrahamic religions’. However, in reality, this philosophical approach to human existence is a profound and ancient way of life that transcends the boundaries of religion. With its roots deeply embedded in the Indian subcontinent, the eternal philosophy of Sanatana Dharma has stood the test of time by evolving and adapting while retaining its core principles.

What is Sanatana Dharma?

What is Sanatana Dharma & it's Principles? Dharma Meaning in English

PC Aanmeegam

Sanatana Dharma is not merely a religion; it is a comprehensive way of life that encompasses spiritual, moral, and ethical principles. It is an ageless and ever-evolving philosophy. This religion/philosophy boasts millennia-old origins. Its texts date more than 5,000 years ago; its temples and places of knowledge date 10,000 years ago; and its tales and legends span vast expanses of time itself.

It is the oldest surviving belief system in the world. However, despite its antiquity, it is relevant to date and continues to inspire millions of believers around the globe. The spiritual and philosophical concepts of karma, dharma, and yoga, resonate with people worldwide.

Sanatana Dharma: Misunderstood and Misrepresented

The KEY Differences Between Hinduism And Abrahamic Religions - YouTube

PC YouTube @The Sham Sharma Show

The world is dominated by ‘One Book and One God’ religions. The followers of such a religion are unable to comprehend the deep philosophical outlook of Sanatana Dharma. Their limited scope of understanding has confused it as Hindu religion. However, Hinduism is a part of Sanatana Dharma; just like Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, etc. The inability of the West and its Abrahamic religions, like Christianity and Islam, to unbox the wisdom of this Dharma has made it the most misunderstood religion. Moreover, their failure to comprehend or unbox the treasure stored in this belief system has inspired their contempt in the form of perpetuation of misunderstandings on Sanatani way of life.

The recent political controversy on eradication of this belief system arises from the misunderstood concepts by the ‘rice-bag-converts’ of India.

Since Abrahamic religions are unable to reform or evolve; these political leaders believe that any part of Sanatana Dharma that does not resonate with the modern world is also incapable of transformation. Thus, their sentiments of eradication display their lack of comprehension of this Dharma. Moreover, it underscores their inability to accept such a belief system that does not share rigidity as a commonality with Abrahamic concepts.

How does Sanatana Dharma define itself?

The Meaning of Sanatana Dharma

PC Dharmacentral

In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna imparts the concept of Sanatana Dharma as the “eternal duty” or “natural duty.” It states that each individual must follow their duty based on their inherent qualities and the circumstances of their life. However, the Abrahamic distortion turns this definition on its head. They believe that this concept of duty is based on the caste system assigned by Britishers to the Varna concept of Sanatana Dharma.

Most Vedic texts interpret this belief system as a path of truth, duty, and introspection. However, interpretations by Abrahamic religious zealots twist it to mean caste as an undeniable truth, suppression of the downtrodden as the duty of Sanatanis, and hate-mongering is reality of introspection in Sanatan Dharma. Such misrepresentation of the philosophy of life is encouraged by conversion enthusiasts and Abrahamic religious leaders. The minority appeasement politics of India is a fallout of such misrepresentations and misunderstandings perpetuated into the minds of Sanatanis of Bharat.


Sanatana Dharma, as an eternal way of life, transcends the boundaries set by any single religion. It offers profound insights into the nature of existence, human ethics, and spirituality. With its rich heritage of texts and the wisdom of its rishis, it continues to inspire individuals on their quest for truth and self-realization. It is a testament to the enduring power of timeless wisdom in an ever-changing world.

In the current political arena, Sanatanis must gain solace from their Vedic roots. It is more important for Sanatanis to revive their Dharmic pride in this belief system. Thus, while political leaders are busy trying to conflate Sanatana Dharma with the caste system, patriarchy, and suppression; Sanatanis must refresh their inner connection and grassroot understanding of this Vedic philosophy of life. Moreover, they must vow to never let ‘rice-bag-converts’ influence their understanding, pride, and connection with this millennia-old system of Dharmic lifestyle that has inspired the people of Bharat.

The post Sanatana Dharma: As a Misrepresented Abrahamic Concept appeared first on The Jaipur Dialogues.

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